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Association for the promotion of
Sports Medicine Hannover e.V.
(Prof. Dr. Klaus Michael Braumann,
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Bloch,
Prof. Dr. Dieter Böning,
Dr. Hans-Jürgen Schnell)

Official Organ of the German Society for
Sports Medicine and Prevention (Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Sportmedizin und Prävention/
Deutscher Sportärztebund e.V. (DGSP) and
advanced training organ of the Austrian
Society for Sports Medicine and Prevention
(Österreichische Gesellschaft für Sportmedizin
und Prävention, ÖGSMP).

Editorial Address

c/o Ulm University
Parkstrasse 11, 89075 Ulm, GERMANY

c/o University Hospital Ulm
Division of Sports Medicine
Leimgrubenweg 11, 89075 Ulm, GERMANY

Phone: 0049 731 500 45360
Fax: 0049 731 500 45353


Prof. Dr. J.M. Steinacker (Editor in Chief),
89077 Ulm, GERMANY
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Prof . Dr. H. Schmitt, Heidelberg, GERMANY;
Prof. Dr. A. Nieß, Tübingen, GERMANY;
Prof. Dr. K. Hollander, GERMANY.

Prof. (FH) Dr. Christian Brinkmann, Köln/Düsseldorf;
Dr. biol. hum. Susanne Kobel, Ulm, GERMANY;
Dr. med. Karsten Königstein, Basel, SWITZERLAND;
Dr. rer. nat. Patrick Müller, Magdeburg, GERMANY.


Managing Editor Ulm

Simone Graf
Phone: 0049 731 500 45360
Fax.: 0049 731 500 45353
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Eva-Maria Hochhaus
Phone: 0049 731 500 45360
Fax.: 0049 731 500 45353
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Editor Dossier Augsburg, Munich

Dr. rer. nat. Christine Hutterer
Berchtesgadener Str. 10
81547 München
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CIO Nicola Lutz
Dynamic Media Sales Verlag
Nordmoortrift 20
27474 Cuxhaven, GERMANY
Phone: +49 (0) 4721 59 29 283
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Webmaster, IT Development

CTO Axel Lutz
Nordmoortrift 20
27474 Cuxhaven, GERMANY
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WIN Kommunikation
Karl Winklmair
Eschenstraße 1
85777 Großnöbach, GERMANY
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Dynamic Media Sales Verlag
Nordmoortrift 20
27474 Cuxhaven
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Dirk Cloos CEO
Schleißheimer Str. 6
München, GERMANY
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Magazine Print
Creo Druck- und Medienservice
Gutenbergstraße 1
96050 Bamberg, GERMANY
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Advertisement / Production / Sales

Dynamic Media Sales Verlag
Nicola Lutz
Nordmoortrift 20
27474 Cuxhaven, GERMANY

Phone: +49 (0) 4721 59 29 283
Fax: +49 (0)821 / 99 98 45 80
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Editor's note

The German Journal of Sports Medicine uses the masculine form in all its publications when referring to persons and personal nouns. Corresponding terms apply in principle to all genders in the sense of equal treatment. This conventional, abbreviated form of language is for editorial reasons only and does not imply any valuation.


The magazine is published 7-11 times a year.
Reference fee for mail recipients annual €84,40,
reduced price for students € 58,40.
Written orders are accepted by the Editorial Office.

The notice period for subscriptions
is 3 months until the end of the year.

For members of the DGSP the reference
of the German Journal for Sports Medicine
is free of cost!

Print run: 10.500

ISSN (Print): 0344-5925

ISSN (Online): 2510-5264

All published scientific works in the German Journal of Sports Medicine were subjected to a thorough
peer review. Editorship and editor assume no responsibility or guarantee of the shown findings and opinions, especially for the application of therapeutic procedures (indication, contraindication, drugs, doseage), which is to the responsibility of each physician.

In addition:
In case of an adress change members of the DGSP please contact  their respective state association,
Subscribers gave their address changes to Dynamic Media Sales.