Aims and Scope

Who we are: Founded in 1924, the journal is one of the oldest journals in the field of sports medicine in Europe. Readers include physicians, physiologists and sports scientists as well as physiotherapists, coaches, sports managers and athletes. The journal provides the scientific community with open online access to its scientific content and an online communication platform.

What we do: The German Journal of Sports Medicine focuses on the implications for prevention, diagnosis, therapy, rehabilitation and physical training, as well as general sports medicine and research in sports science, physiology and biomechanics.

Our Statement: The German Journal of Sports Medicine addresses the translational science and clinical practice of sports medicine and its related fields, investigating the impact of physical activity, exercise, training and sport, and physical inactivity in healthy individuals and patients of all ages. It addresses the implications for prevention, diagnosis, therapy, rehabilitation, and physical training, as well as for overall sports medicine and research in sports science, physiology, and biomechanics.


Scope and Coverage

The Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin - German Journal of Sports Medicine is dedicated to the biomedical science and clinical practice of Sports Medicine and its border fields which investigate the influence of exercise, physical training and sports as well as lack of exercise to healthy and sick people of all age-groups, related to prevention, diagnosis, therapy, rehabilitation and physical training.

Manuscripts which deal with actual scientific and medical findings, new hypotheses, actual controversies and problems in real life will be published. Possible topics are physiology and pathophysiology of exercise, medical and biological findings, the medical therapy of exercise-related medical problems, epidemiology of sedentary lifestyle and related disorders, therapy of sports injuries, medical training and rehabilitation medicine, as well as special social, cultural, psychological and special science-related aspects of the entire scientific field.

The journal is a printed journal with 7-11 issues per year, with electronic versions of all articles online (PDF and html) and full text retrieval.